Compared with Google Audiobooks, Audiobooks.com, Audible contains a larger stock for audiobooks. It also provides subscribers with user-friendly services and many other benefits. If you are an Audible listener, you might know how to download audiobooks and cancel Audible membership. But it is hard to know everything about Audible. Today I would like to share you with another thing that few people talk about – the Audible collections.
What is the Audible collections?
If you indulge yourself in listening to Audible audiobooks like me, you will find you have stored too many titles in your library. You know that it is time to start to organize and manage Audible audiobooks.
That's why Audible brings the Audible collections to its users. With the help of it, you can easily categorize different kinds of audiobooks. You can design a unique name for a folder and add a description to remind yourself. Then, you own an unmatched collection. You will find that there is already a collection called Favorites, in which you can find the titles you listen to most.
How to create Amazon Audible collections?
Maybe you know what an collection is. Do you know how to create collections on Audible books? If you are not very clear about this, the guides below might help you.
Step 1. Open Audible app or Audible website. Find the Library.
Step 2. Choose the Collections and the New collection buttons.
Step 3. Give it a name and a description which can tell you the content.
Step 4. Click the Create button to create it. You will find you have a new collection when you return to the Collections section.
If you are not satisfied with this collection, you can delete it. Use a long tap on this collection and a tap on the Delete Collection button of the appearing menu on an Android app. For iOS, you need to tap the Select button and choose the collection you want to delete. At last, choose the Delete collection option. On the Audible website, just click the Delete Collection button.
How to add titles to Audible collections?
After setting up a collection, you can add titles to this collection. It is quite easy to add titles by following my instruction below.
Add titles to Amazon Audible collections on iOS or Android
Firstly, let me show you how to add titles on Android or iOS devices.
Step 1. Go to the Library and choose the Collections option.
Step 2. Choose the collection to which you want to add titles.
Step 3. Click the Add to collection button.
Step 4. Select the titles and choose the Add option.
What if you bring a wrong title to this collection mistakenly? On Android devices, just choose the 3 dots next to this title and the Remove from collection button. On iOS devices, pick the Select button and tap this title. Then choose the Remove from collection button to delete it.
Add titles to Audible collections on Audible website
For Audible website users, the method is slightly different from the former one.
Step 1. Go to the Library and choose the Titles option.
Step 2. Click the Add to button under all the titles that you want to add to a collection.
Step 3. Click the collection.
To delete a title from this collection, you only need to select the Remove from collection button which is just below this title.
The final tip for Audible listeners
Maybe you are an Audible audiobook beginner, or you have used Audible for years. You must know that Audible is never perfect. Despite it offers loads of attractive audiobooks and sweet services. Some limitations are still there. One of the most bothering things is the AA/AAX format of Audible audiobooks, which makes you cannot share your favorite audiobook with your friends or use some devices that are supported by Audible.
But with a tool, you can convert your Audible audiobooks to a common format and solve the trouble immediately. The tool is ViWizard Audible Audiobook Converter. ViWizard can convert AA/AAX to many audio formats like MP3, M4A, FLAC, AAC, AAC, with its incredibly 100X faster speed. You can keep the original quality of the Audible audiobooks by choosing the Lossless option. What's more, this tool does not need users to offer the iTunes account authorization or install the Audible app, which is needed if you use other converters. It will maintain the ID3 tags the chapter information of your audiobooks. To use ViWizard AA/AAX Converter to convert Audible audiobooks, you need 3 steps.

ViWizard Audible Audiobook Converter Features
- Losslessly convert AA/AAX to common formats without account authorization
- Convert Audible audiobooks at 100× faster speed
- Customize parameters of output audiobooks
- Split audiobooks into small pieces by time or by chapters
Step 1. Launch this ViWizard Audible AAX/AA Converter. Add AAX/AA files to ViWizard by clicking the Add File button.
Step 2. Click the Format button first. Then choose the format you want. Click the OK button to continue this conversion.
Step 3. Just click the Convert button. Click the Converted button or the Open button to reach the converted Audible audiobooks.

Adam Gorden is an experienced writer of ViWizard who is obsessed about tech, movie and software.